18 years ago today, I bid farewell to my wife and then two-year old daughter , to the rest of my extended family and friends, and to a 30 years of my life in China, and came to Brandon of all the places in Canada! not realizing it would take me almost five years before I could reunite with my wife and daughter again! It was the most exciting passage of my life as well as the most agonizing one! Joy and sorrow mingled on that unforgettable day when the sadness of saying goodbye to the loved ones and leaving them behind and the excitement of looking forward to a brand new start in my life ahead converged in my heart. It is only fitting for me to paint this view today at this time of the day for it was precisely this time of the day 18 years ago I first set my eyes on Brandon when the Greyhound bus I rode on came to a stop at Downtown Brandon at about 8 pm, on June 13, 1991. The uncertain and unknown future on that day then suddenly is the history now.
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