Sunday, July 17, 2011

An aspen wood on Lake Katherine

After a short rest, I walked a little further up the road and found this scene where a downtrodden path led the view into distance flanked by tall aspens. It was close to noon hours when I started this painting of quite a big dimension. The glare from the blank canvas in the strong sunlight had a rather strain on my eyes. However, nothing could deter me from painting this beautiful view. Aspens always touch string of my heart. While painting in the morning alone on the lake I had always been a little concerned about encountering a bear. By the time I finished the first painting visitors started to arrive , and the thought of bear was not a concern to me anymore somehow. However, as soon as I drove away around 2 p.m after I finished this painting, it just happened that I spotted through my rear windshield of my car  a big black bear walking right pass through the spot where I had been standing painting this aspen wood! Had I been packing up just two minutes later I would have had a very close encounter with the bear! A interesting ending note to my happy painting for the day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Beautiful. I want this one!
- Kristi Connelly